Uploading a WordPress Website to N99panel

To upload a WordPress or WooCommerce website to N99panel, follow these steps

Step 1 : Prepare archive of the WordPress files/folders. This archive has to be of the folder containing the WordPress setup, for e.g. if our setup looks like the following

           |__ wp-content (folder)
           |__ wp-admin (folder)
           |__ .... (other folders)
           |__ index.php (file)
           |__ wp-config.php (file)
           |__ wp-load.php (file)
           |__ .... (other files) 

We would make the archive or a zip/gz/bz2 file of the public_html folder. Typically on your PC you would right-click on public_html folder and do the necessary steps to prepare the archive.

Also you need to get the SQL file corresponding to your WordPress setup. That you can easily get/export from PHPMyAdmin which most likely would be installed on your system or the system from where you are migrating from.

Step 2 : Now in N99panel, create a user and a Website/VHost under it

Step 3 : Upload both the archive file and the sql (can be zipped) file into the user directory using a SFTP client like FileZilla

Step 4 : Now under N99panel dashboard, click on 'VHosts/Websites'

Step 5 : You will see the list of all the VHosts. Please click 'Details/Manage' link against the appropriate VHost/Website

Step 6 : Now click on ‘Restore a WordPress Archive (with SQL file) to the VHost’ .

Step 7 : Now you would be prompted to enter the uploaded archive file name and the SQL file name. Submit the details and rest everything will be automated.