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How to change the Admin User's password

If you have forgotten your N99panel's admin user's password, using the steps below can change the password

Step 1 : Log into the billing system. If you are from India, the billing system URL is . For international customers, the URL is

Step 2 : Navigate to Services → My Services

Step 3 : Click on the specific instance's product name, as in the screenshot

Step 4 : Relevant links to the specific service will be shown. Here in, click on 'Manage Instance'

Step 5 : Now click on the 'Change Admin User's Password' button to initiate the process

Step 6 : Now in the next screen, you will need to click on 'Click here to Generate OTP' . The subsequent process involves checking your email ID for the OTP and then doing the relevant steps.

instance_mgmt/cap.txt · Last modified: 2024/12/24 06:17 by kirtisingh

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